To be or not to be... is what Shakespeare was asking himself. I looked at this poor fella's skull and said It's a pity you were just not to be so soon.
The funny thing is that I wasn't asking God for any clues, but the character in the book was in a cemetery and in the past few pages he had found some animal skulls... Will I find Death should have been the question when I left the house and the answer would've been radical. But instead I prayed for some fun events... Now, I don't think I've gotten the fun I wanted, but I got some great landscapes, a skull to inspire me (which I had to throw away because you know... I'm disgusting) and I actually got the inspiration and added another thing to my book. When was this? Somewhere in time. Awesome movie. I can tell you it wasn't on my birthday for sure...cause yesterday...I played a three string guitar and I listened to really loud rock music...
Shakespearean love... Death is romantic if you see it as an outsider, but if you put your head to it and think better: You will be with the one you love in Hell and being in hell is no love...it's only torture and then you can understand that Love is Irrational and it makes you kill yourself just to end up somewhere where you will never find Love. So Death has no Romance to it if you really die...
Drama...we all write our stories and wear them everywhere. Liars for example are very great actors and the ones who have learnt to tell their false stories well, those are the ones nominated for awards...in Hell. But I think that nothing compares to the way a woman lies. The way she thinks things over and the way she watches her prey and the things she can do makes her a very great actress. She could be Death herself. I guess that's why Death wears She on her tag.
Limericks...poems...riddles... Anybody can do them. If you've learnt how to lie, then you definitely learnt how to make up stuff. After that it's just a matter of expression... You can either say that A tree has it's branches resembling to arms or to stairs or you can say that a bird's voice is divine or crooked. You can make up almost anything and the thing about this new century is that you can really say Anything.
Great characters... In reality...there are none. Maybe your own mother who has been feeding you and you're now cursing or your father because he provides food and money (in a traditional family) and you still curse him... Or if you've got people missing in your family...than you screw everybody cause they don't get you... So you see... Shakespeare had great imagination to give us such great worlds and such great perspective on life. Die for the one you love, this is how insane love makes you, but in fact reality is Die to give up on sorrow and the real prize - Eternity - .
What's that?
Long live Laughter.
Heaven, my darling.
Great novelists sent us to hell with their stories just to bring us back to reality.
Don't give up to fight.
At least that's the way I imagine things. Romance is at the end of the line where the real doors open and the real chapters begin... and that's not Death, my dear... That is
Daca-mi permiti un cuvintel slab.. genial ce ai scris aici. Dar mai mult(si mai important) este ca deschide ochii. Am sa citesc de mai multe ori ca sa inteleg si mai bine. Multumesc